Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Roaring Twenties

There seems to be this thought that being in your twenties is a terrible thing. It's awkward. You're poor. You don't know what you're doing with your life, especially post college. You lose friends.

These are some of the reasons why I love my twenties. I don't mind the awkwardness of this age. Although I have a pretty clear definition of who I am, I am always trying to improve myself.

I also don't mind being poor. I hardly ever shut a bar down anymore and when I do, my tab is relatively small. What else are you going to spend your money on in a college town such as this? Besides traveling and other necessities  I don't have much I plan on spending money on. I'd rather be in yoga pants watching Netflix with my cat brooding in a corner.

When I was an undergraduate and first started my graduate program, I had no idea what I wanted to do. I knew that I was good with people, but beyond being a conwoman, I had no clue. Even in my graduate program, I didn't know what type of counselor I wanted to be. I have this belief that things will turn out the way they should. And they did. I currently have a job lined up post-graduation.

A major complaint about being in your twenties is losing your friends. I've lost friends since I've entered college and even more since I've entered grad school, but you know what? The friends I have are amazing. I kept contact with friends who also made an effort to keep in contact with me. There are the people that I consider my extended family. Some friendships never die and I'm lucky enough to experience them.

Although I'm only 24, I've learned a lot about myself and I'm excited for what will come next. I like the unknown.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Spring is here(ish)!

As per usual, I'm working on my Spring to do list.

So far I have:
-Grow plants
-Write letters
-Take a roadtrip
-Listen to a rainstorm
-Stomp in puddles
-Climb a tree
-Work on art/crafts more
-Study for the NCE
-Read 15 books
-Learn a new skill
-Continue researching to better help my clients

More to come!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

For the Love of Dziadziu

My Dziadziu (AKA Grampa) was such a cool man. I've been thinking about how to write this post for awhile now, and I think I've come to what I want to say.

Grampa and I always had a pretty good relationship. I knew growing up that he was a grumpy old man and that he wouldn't change. I took that into consideration and I didn't take his grumpiness personally.

We became close after the death of my Senele (AKA Gramma). I was two hours away at school, but we would talk on the phone a few times a week. Stopping by his house was the first and last thing I would do before I left Ludington. I enjoyed hanging out with him when I was home. Sure, I didn't always want to go over there because it was sad, but he told me a few times that he appreciated it. Family history is very important to me so I loved hearing his stories about his childhood and early adulthood. Sometimes we would have great conversations about his past and how he was a bit of a shister when he was younger.

One thing I learned about him after the death of Gramma is that he just wanted to be loved. He was lonely and wanted to be with family. He even liked just sitting and having conversation. However, he was too proud of a person to ask for help (this seems to be a re-occurring theme within our family). As the time passed on, he opened up more and more with me. He would even say I love you to me after I would leave or ending a phone conversation. He even put that in the cards we would send back and forth.

Overall, I'm so lucky to have gotten to know my Grampa on such a deep level. Sure, he was gruff, but I've always known that. That was just who he was. If I had a life like his growing up, I might be like that too. So in memory of him, here's a song that always reminds me of Grampa, "Who Stole the Kishka?" by Frankie Yankovic.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Things you probably don't know about me

-I don't like Disney. Some movies are good, but overall, I don't get the appeal.
-Same with the show Friends. I don't understand it.
-I really don't understand American humor.
-My favorite colors are blue, purple and green.
-I love to travel, but I can't wait to have a permanent home.
-I hate wearing pants. I'd rather wear a dress.
-I dislike winter with every fiber of my being.
-I actually write a lot, I just don't post it publicly or on the internet.
-I save money by being able to wear kids' sized shoes.
-I love the Southern United States.
-I'm obsessed with anything vintage.
-Whenever I see an abandoned house, I get the overwhelming urge to explore it.
-I'm most content around water.
-I love to be surrounded by plants.