Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Things you probably don't know about me

-I don't like Disney. Some movies are good, but overall, I don't get the appeal.
-Same with the show Friends. I don't understand it.
-I really don't understand American humor.
-My favorite colors are blue, purple and green.
-I love to travel, but I can't wait to have a permanent home.
-I hate wearing pants. I'd rather wear a dress.
-I dislike winter with every fiber of my being.
-I actually write a lot, I just don't post it publicly or on the internet.
-I save money by being able to wear kids' sized shoes.
-I love the Southern United States.
-I'm obsessed with anything vintage.
-Whenever I see an abandoned house, I get the overwhelming urge to explore it.
-I'm most content around water.
-I love to be surrounded by plants.

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